Partners for a unique ecosystem in cosmetics
Thanks to its unique ecosystem in cosmetics, Cosmétosciences wants to increase the visibility of research applied to cosmetics in the Centre-Val de Loire region, by developing new academic and industrial partnerships at regional, national and international levels, in order to rise to the challenges that the cosmetics sector must face if it is to maintain its French leadership.
The Centre-Val de Loire region,
the territory for research
and innovation in cosmetics
In an international context in which cosmetics is identified as a sector that enhances the economic growth of countries, it is primordial that France should position itself as the flagship for excellence and base its developments in the cosmetics field on research. The Centre-Val de Loire region, supported by its strong ecosystem, can legitimately be the global barycentre of research and innovation.
With more than 150 companies installed on its territory, the leadership of the region is strong .
The Cosmétosciences programme is at the heart of a public-private ecosystem that serves research in cosmetics
Cosmetosciences aims to develop in the region research and development cluster for cosmetics research by capitalising on the multidisciplinarity of teams drawn from a number of research establishments and by associating regional companies with them. Cosmétosciences is backed by the University of Orléans in partnership with the University of Tours, the CNRS, Le Studium and Cosmetic Valley.
The University of Orléans in partnership with the University of Tours and the CNRS bring the research expertise of their laboratories.
The region supported the creation of the Cosmetic Valley competitiveness cluster, the leading global network for the cosmetic sector’s industries.
It was the first cluster dedicated to the perfumery-cosmetics industry to be created in the world. Its model has now spread throughout the world and Cosmetic Valley therefore benefits from a global network of connected clusters serving the development of innovation and international partnerships in the field of perfumery and cosmetics.
The role of Cosmetic Valley is to stimulate the economic and industrial development of players in the leading French cosmetics sector through actions that encourage collaborative research, competitiveness, innovation and attractiveness in favour of employment.
Founded in 1996 by Professor Paul Vigny and inspired by the historical, geographical and human cultures of the Loire valley, the goal of LE STUDIUM Loire Valley Institute for Advanced Studies is to stimulate international exchanges within the scientific community of public and private research laboratories in the Centre-Val de Loire region
LE STUDIUM attracts, recruits and hosts experienced international researchers from all disciplines for short or long visits by collaborating with regional research laboratories.
LE STUDIUM hosts scientific exchanges and organises various international events that encourage transdisciplinary exchanges between international and regional scientific communities and the community of STUDIUM researchers in residence.