cosmetics research laboratories

Chaire de Cosmétologie AgroParisTech Orléans

Chaire de Cosmétologie AgroParisTech Orléans

AgroParisTech is the institute for the life sciences and industries, and environmental sciences, under the supervision of the ministries responsible for agriculture and higher education. This leading institution, recognized internationally, addresses the major challenges of the 21st century: feeding people while sustainably managing territories, preserving natural resources, promoting innovation, and integrating the bioeconomy…

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Molecular Biophysics Centre – UPR 4301

Molecular Biophysics Centre – UPR 4301

The researchers at the CBM contribute to understanding of the structure, dynamics and interactions of biological macromolecules. In-vitro, in-silico, in-cellulo and in-vivo approaches are combined to explore living mechanisms and the anomalies that lead to the development of certain diseases…

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Nanomedicines and nanoprobes laboratory NMNS – EA 6295

Nanomedicines and nanoprobes laboratory NMNS – EA 6295

The Nanomedicines and nanoprobes laboratory (NMNS) is a team whose collective complementary skills are used for the development and study of biocompatible nanoparticles, vectors of anticancer agents (nanomedicines – NM) and/or imaging agents (nanoprobes – NS)…

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