CBM • UPR 4301
Molecular Biophysics Centre

The Molecular Biophysics Centre, a unit specific to CNRS in Orléans (CNRS – UPR4301), develops research at the interface between Chemistry, Biology and Physics into living molecular mechanisms and the dysfunctions that lead to the development of certain diseases.

The researchers at the CBM contribute to understanding of the structure, dynamics and interactions of biological macromolecules. In-vitro, in-silico in-cellulo and in-vivo approaches are combined to explore living mechanisms and the anomalies that lead to the development of certain diseases.

The research carried out at the CBM is organised around 4 scientific topic-specific teams and a research support service.

Cosmétosciences research topic:

Biological activity and safety

Molecular Biophysics Centre Building in Orléans

CBM research is conducted in 16 topic-specific groups organised into 4 teams. Two teams are involved in Cosmétosciences

Fundamental and Translational Aspects in Health and Well-being team (AFTS)
The Cellular micro-environment and pharmacology of receptors group studies the role of the micro-environment in the regulation of physiological processes (ageing) and pathological (tumour, inflammatory, oxidative stress micro-environments,…). We develop various 2D and 3D cellular models (endothelial cells, nervous system cells, skin cells, tumour cells) respecting the rate of intratissular oxygenation, physioxia or hypoxia. Our goal is to identify the biomarkers involved in these processes, whether they are in the form of proteins, metabolites or microRNAs (new regulators of gene expression) and to study the dialogue between membrane receptors and the cellular micro-environment. We also develop new, powerful, selective pharmacological tools directed towards these receptors to improve our fundamental knowledge on the activation mechanisms of these receptors and for therapeutic applications.


Molecular Biophysics Centre
Rue Charles Sadron
CS 80054
45071 ORLEANS Cedex 2
Tel.: +33 (0)2 38 25 55 57


Cellular Signalling, Molecular Targets and Innovative Therapies team (SCT)
The team’s principal centres of interest are: cancer, neurodegenerative disorders and skin biology. The team brings together specialist researchers in cellular and molecular biology, biochemistry, physicochemistry and pharmacology. The projects developed combine fundamental research and translational research in biochemistry and molecular and cellular biology and are carried out in conjunction with the use of cellular and animal models in order to decode on a molecular scale, the biological processes brought into play under different physiological or pathological conditions.
A significant part of the projects consists in the development of new therapeutic strategies to identify new biomarkers and new targets for specific disorders thanks to fine knowledge of the cellular processes including gene expression (RNA biology) and signalling cascades. The data obtained from the fundamental studies will be used to perfect innovative therapies including the design and vectorisation of therapeutic agents.


Molecular Biophysics Centre
Rue Charles Sadron
CS 80054
45071 ORLEANS Cedex 2
Tel.: +33 (0)2 38 25 55 57


Experimental facilities

  • Cellular biology
    • Culture rooms, one of which is P2 level
    • Hypoxia chambers with oxygen rate control
    • Hypoxia workstation
    • Blood flow reconstitution equipment
    • Flow cytometers
    • Cell sorters
    • Video microscopes
    • Confocal microscope
    • Microscope/micromanipulator workstation for the dissection of yeast tetrads (Singer MSM 300)
  • Molecular biology
    • Quantitative PCR
    • Droplet digitalTM
  • Biochemistry

    • MSM System yeast dissector
    • Cell fractionation and tissue grinding machines
    • FPLC system for the purification of proteins
    • Biacore 3000
    • UV-Visible microspectrophotometer
    • Absorbance, fluorescence, luminescence, polarised fluorescence, delayed fluorescence microplate reader
    • Imaging device for chemiluminescense
    • UV irradiator
    • ZetaSizer 3000

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  • contacts
    • contacts
    • Lavinia BALAN
    • Patrick BARIL
    • Hélène BENEDETTI
    • Pascal BONNET
    • Franck BONNIER
    • Stéphane BOSTYN
    • Ayache BOUAKAZ
    • Frédéric BURON
    • Sabine CARPIN
    • Agnes CHARTIER
    • Igor CHOURPA
    • David DA SILVA
    • Emilie DESTANDAU
    • Catherine GRILLON
    • Samuel GUILLOT
    • Christophe HANO
    • Pierre LAFITE
    • Frédéric LAMBLIN
    • Arnaud LANOUE
    • Eric LESELLIER
    • Emilie MUNNIER
    • Reine NEHMÉ
    • Chantal PICHON
    • Karen PLÉ
    • Eric ROBERT
    • Sylvain ROUTIER
    • Benoit SAINT PIERRE
    • Marie SCHULER
    • Christophe SINTUREL
    • Arnaud TATIBOUËT
    • Béatrice VALLÉE-MÉHEUST
  • Laboratories
    • Laboratories
    • CEMHTI (Conditions extrême et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation)
    • BBV (Biomolécules et Biotechnologies Végétales)
    • CBM (Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire)
    • GREMI (Groupe de Recherches sur l'Energétique des Milieux Ionisés)
    • IBRAIN (Imagerie & Cerveau)
    • ICMN (Interfaces, Confinement, Matériaux et Nanostructures)
    • ICARE (Institut de Combustion, Aérothermique, Réactivité et Environnement)
    • ICOA (Institut de Chimie Organique)
    • LBLGC (Laboratoire de Biologie des Ligneux et des Grandes Cultures)
    • NMNS (Nanomédicaments et Nanosondes)
    • SIMBA (Synthèse et Isolement de Molécules Bioactives )