LBLGC • EA 1207
Woody and Field Crops Biology laboratory
The Woody and Field Crops Biology laboratory (LBLGC- EA 1207) focuses its activities on three major topics:
1- Trees’ response to environmental constraints, abiotic and biotic
2- The mechanisms of insect adaptation to the host plant
3- The metabolism of plant lignans.
Cosmétosciences research topics:
Naturalness and eco-friendly processes
Given the collaborations and the topics developed, an agreement was drawn up between the INRAE and the laboratory, in the form of a Unit Under Contract (USC1328 ‘LBLGC’) in 2016.
The LBLGC research is carried out by 4 teams. Two of them are involved in Cosmétosciences
Linaceae Lignans team
The ‘Plant Lignans’ team works in the fields of plant physiology, molecular biology (functioning of genes), biochemistry (the synthesis of molecules by the plant) and in-vitro culture.
It also collaborates in applied research programmes with the aim of finding new natural preservatives for cosmetics.
Its research topic is the regulation of the synthesis of cultivated and wild flax lignans.
Cellular Signalling team
The team studies the perception and transduction mechanisms of the drought stress signal that allows a tree to put in place molecular mechanisms for tolerance of the water shortage, which is reflected at cellular level by an osmotic constraint. Drought could be perceived by a signalling path known as MSP or multi-step phosphorelay. There is a strong link between drought tolerance and growth, forming a scale with the marker located at the MSP-type drought and cytokinin signalling paths. The team’s project therefore focuses on the study of MSP signalling paths, in an attempt to understand how these signalling paths could allow plants to be drought tolerant while maintaining, repressing or accelerating their growth.
The goals:
- Study the HK1a and b roles and their functioning mechanism
- Confirm the specificity between HPt2, 7 and 9 with HK1 in relation to cytokinin receptors (HK2, 3 and 4).
- Study the roles of RR-B partners of HPt2, 7 and 9.
- Study the roles of RR-A in drought signalling.
Techniques used:
In-vitro culture, hydroponic culture, protoplast transformation, agro-processing of the poplar, yeast two-hybrid, standard molecular biology techniques (RNA and DNA extraction, cloning techniques, sequencing, PCR, RT-PCR, western blot, etc.)
Experimental facilities
- Additional HPLC module (Perkin-Elmer thermostatically controlled UV-visible absorbance, fluorescence and luminescence reader that can operate in series with the preparative HPLC)
- Automatic injector
Contact details
UFR – Collegium Sciences et Techniques (CoST)
University of Orléans
Rue de Chartres – BP 6759
45067 Orléans cedex 2
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- contacts
- contacts
- Lavinia BALAN
- Patrick BARIL
- Pascal BONNET
- Franck BONNIER
- Stéphane BOSTYN
- Ayache BOUAKAZ
- Frédéric BURON
- Sabine CARPIN
- David DA SILVA
- Catherine GRILLON
- Samuel GUILLOT
- Christophe HANO
- Pierre LAFITE
- Frédéric LAMBLIN
- Arnaud LANOUE
- Emilie MUNNIER
- Reine NEHMÉ
- Chantal PICHON
- Karen PLÉ
- Sylvain ROUTIER
- Christophe SINTUREL
- Laboratories
- Laboratories
- CEMHTI (Conditions extrême et Matériaux : Haute Température et Irradiation)
- BBV (Biomolécules et Biotechnologies Végétales)
- CBM (Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire)
- GREMI (Groupe de Recherches sur l'Energétique des Milieux Ionisés)
- IBRAIN (Imagerie & Cerveau)
- ICMN (Interfaces, Confinement, Matériaux et Nanostructures)
- ICARE (Institut de Combustion, Aérothermique, Réactivité et Environnement)
- ICOA (Institut de Chimie Organique)
- LBLGC (Laboratoire de Biologie des Ligneux et des Grandes Cultures)
- NMNS (Nanomédicaments et Nanosondes)
- SIMBA (Synthèse et Isolement de Molécules Bioactives )